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What Religion Couldn't Do, God Has Accomplished
A Deeper Look Into Steps Ten, Eleven & Twelve
(A Three Part Series)
with Bruce H. and the Monty'man

Bruce H. was a major influence in the development of Take 12 Recovery Radio,
first as a friend and Twelve Step brother, later as a spiritual advisor and sponsor and finally as a seasoned co-host on hundreds of our shows. Sadly, Bruce is no longer with us as he has received his Heavenly reward for his amazing service to our Lord and King. I personally owe a debt of gratitude to my friend and am honored to share a small part of his incredible insight into the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery and God. 

~The Monty'man

Episode One STEP TEN
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Episode Three STEP TWELVE & MORE
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Walking Through The Language of the Heart is a production of KHLT Recovery Broadcasting and the Take 12 Recovery Radio Shows. The listener is granted permission to download, copy and distribute any of our shows at no charge. Distributing these files for financial gain of any kind is strictly prohibited without written consent from KHLT Recovery Broadcasting. Federal Copyright Laws, Copyright © 2010-2024Â