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The followinmg is a small collection of Twelve Step Speakers sharing their experience, strength & hope at a variety of recovery events.
These audio files are made available by KHLT Recovery Broadcasting and Take 12 Recovery Radio for the purpose of sharing the message of recovery to those who would care to listen. There is no charge for downloading these files nor will we 
accept any donations for this service.
KHLT Recovery Broadcasting and Take 12 Recovery Radio are not affliated with any particular Twelve Step fellowship. 
The opinions shared on these audio files are those of the individual presenters and are not nessasarly those of 
KHLT Recovery Broadcasting, Take 12 Recovery Radio or our affliates.
A Collection of Twelve Step Shares
AA Speaker: America K. from San Diego, CA. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
Click to Listen or Download

Al-Anon/AA Speakers: Robert W, & Tom N. from Grants Pass, OR. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Eddie P. from Chapel Hill, NC. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Clif G. from Oklahoma City, OK. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Neil T. from Eureka, CA. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
​Click to Listen or Download

Al-Anon Speaker: Lori G. from Oklahoma City, OK. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
​Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Paul Mc. from Belle Harbor NY. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
​Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Jerad D. from Dallas, TX. at the 2023 Rogue River Roundup.
Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Chris S. from Blairstown, New Jersey / The Humor of Chris S. 
Click to Listen or Download

AA Speaker: Jeff A. from Lebanon, Oregon at Albany Group One of AA.
Click to Listen or Download

AA/CR Speaker: Monty M. from Albany, Oregon at Albany Celebrate Recovery
Click to Listen or Download

More Speakers are being added each month.
MP3 files of suggested speakers that are solution 
focused will be considered. 
Please send audio files to:
[email protected]