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Walking Through the 
Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions
with Chris S. and the Monty'man

One of the most comprehensive studies of 
the Twelve & Twelve ever produced in audio format.

After the experience of this workshop you will be equipped with an extremely powerful and accurate tool to help others have a deeper understanding of both the fellowship and Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Each of these audio files are now available for you to download, copy and share with others, FREE.
We appreciate the dedication of Chris S. and thank him for his continued service to others and to the cause of recovery.

Click to Listen or Download

Step One 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Two 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Three 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Four (Part 1) 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Four (Part 2) 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Five (Part 1) 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Five (Part 2) 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Six 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Seven 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Eight 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Nine 
Click to Listen or Download

Step Ten
Click to Listen or Download

Step Eleven (Part 1)
Click to Listen or Download

Step Eleven (Part 2)
Click to Listen or Download

Step Twelve (Part 1)
Click to Listen or Download

Step Twelve (Part 2)
Click to Listen or Download

Step Twelve (Part 3)
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition One
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Two
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Three
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Four
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Five
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Six
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Tradition Seven
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Eight
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Nine
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Ten
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Eleven
Click to Listen or Download

Tradition Twelve
Click to Listen or Download

Click Here for Episodes of
Walking Through the Big Book
Walking Through the Big Book is a production of KHLT Recovery Broadcasting and the Take 12 Recovery Radio Shows. The listener is granted permission to download, copy and distribute any of our shows at no charge. Distributing these files for financial gain of any kind is strictly prohibited without written consent from KHLT Recovery Broadcasting. Federal Copyright Laws, Copyright © 2010-2021.Â